Monday, January 27, 2014

Scrumptious weekend Brownies with almonds.

Hi All :) Hope you had a great weekend. I baked brownies during the weekend. My hubby has been asking for it 2 times and finally I baked it when he left me and went to work for few hours on Saturday. This is what i do when I am left alone!!! Hahaha :D
The brownies turned out as I expected. The center is little chewy and moist whereas the top crust is little crispy. I also put some almonds in the cake mix and also saved some to sprinkle it on top before putting it into the oven. It tasted better when I eat it the next day. Perhaps I should try adding some liquor in my next brownies attempt? ^_^ jeng jeng jeng... i shall sneak in and take some of hubby's liquor while he is at work!

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