Monday, January 13, 2014

3 Tier Lovely Engagement Cake for Rossiyah & Gustin

Hi All! I am back again and would like to share with you the engagement cake I have designed for my baby sister, Rossiyah :) Congratulations Ross on your engagement. We are all very happy for both of you and God bless you alwaz. 
It is a 3 tier cake and all 3 tiers are pure butter pound cake with sugar butter icing. I wanted to design something special for her so I topped the cake with a couple teddy bear - aren't they soo cute! ^_^ got them from a gift shop in Sunway Pyramid for a very reasonable price. Surrounding the the bear are some fresh roses just the color that I wanted, got them from a florist shop. Everyone attended the engagement loved the cake so much. Thank you all for the compliments. Till then take care and I will be back again with a new cake! :) Cheers and have a great week ahead!

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