Monday, January 27, 2014

Scrumptious weekend Brownies with almonds.

Hi All :) Hope you had a great weekend. I baked brownies during the weekend. My hubby has been asking for it 2 times and finally I baked it when he left me and went to work for few hours on Saturday. This is what i do when I am left alone!!! Hahaha :D
The brownies turned out as I expected. The center is little chewy and moist whereas the top crust is little crispy. I also put some almonds in the cake mix and also saved some to sprinkle it on top before putting it into the oven. It tasted better when I eat it the next day. Perhaps I should try adding some liquor in my next brownies attempt? ^_^ jeng jeng jeng... i shall sneak in and take some of hubby's liquor while he is at work!

Monday, January 13, 2014

3 Tier Lovely Engagement Cake for Rossiyah & Gustin

Hi All! I am back again and would like to share with you the engagement cake I have designed for my baby sister, Rossiyah :) Congratulations Ross on your engagement. We are all very happy for both of you and God bless you alwaz. 
It is a 3 tier cake and all 3 tiers are pure butter pound cake with sugar butter icing. I wanted to design something special for her so I topped the cake with a couple teddy bear - aren't they soo cute! ^_^ got them from a gift shop in Sunway Pyramid for a very reasonable price. Surrounding the the bear are some fresh roses just the color that I wanted, got them from a florist shop. Everyone attended the engagement loved the cake so much. Thank you all for the compliments. Till then take care and I will be back again with a new cake! :) Cheers and have a great week ahead!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Hey guys! First of all let me take this opportunity to wish you a blessed Happy New Year 2014! :) By the way, the image below is taken from google images. So, it's a new year again, which means new goals in life! I know exactly what I want to achieve this year and I am sure you too have your goals ^_^ For me, what matters is the amount of effort we put in to achieve the goal and we try our best without giving up. Keep trying and trying and trying and you will be there one day :) Cheers and take care!